Helping communities and businesses.





Noise masking.

Positive Soundscape Intervention

Soundscape amelioration


Noise masking.

The purpose of our service is to ameliorate the quality of the habitable living spaces both indoor and outdoor by introducing new sounds in the designated environment with the purpose of correcting the existing sound climate.

Sound climate or sound-scape can be ameliorated by introducing more palatable sounds by electro-acoustical means, and with natural sources of noise such as for instance falling water.

With this type of intervention we aim to correct the typical noise spectrum obliterated by urban and industrial noises by re-creating the natural balance between the frequencies as found in nature, this also means masking unwanted noise with good and positive sounds specifically chosen for the particular space.

The same techniques can be applied to improve privacy by using calibrated masking frequencies.

The project outlined here is the outcome of years of research and field based noise studies in major European cities and in the natural environment and experimentation in the field of electro-acoustic diffusion, initial research and experimental work carried out independently by the principal consultant at NMS Mr Simone Longo AMIOA the research main purpose, defining the parameters that constitute a positive sound environment and the relationship with a naturally well balanced soundscape.


Concept study: Enviromental Noise: Soundscape Intervention PDF